Should I establish an astrology practice?1465599578346


YES – all signs are ‘go’ for a new astrology practice. It is likely not only to be profitable but also to be of measurable help to clients – as Liz Greene has oft reminded us, the earliest role of the astrology was that of a priest – the maker of bridges between cosmic and human realities; in regards to my astrological studies, this is and always has been my goal. I can expect the first positive communications regarding my plans to manifest within a very short time.


  • I am the querent and because Pisces is rising, I am symbolised by Jupiter at 17 Libra which, although not in ruler-ship or exaltation, is comfortable (1) in its own (Egyptian) terms (suggesting ‘exaltation and glorification’ and (2) (mixed) Dorethean triplicity. Jupiter in sect (above the horizon with the Sun) in Libra brings ‘riches and happiness linked with glory’ It is also suggestive of being the ‘adviser of kings and princes’ and/or a ‘priest’.
  • Although Jupiter is not on, or in direct contact, with an angle, it in an angular house and hence in a reasonably strong position to accomplish its goals.
  • The 10th house (MC) cusp is considered dispositive of career and in this case with Sagittarius there (also ruled by Jupiter), it can be taken as another positive sign for my nascent astrology practice.
  • In a horary chart, the Moon functions as a general signficator of the situation, describing the surrounding circumstances as well as the forward and movements of events.
  • The Moon in this chart is at 4 Pisces (with Jupiter as its ruler) and will very soon first make a favourable sextile with Mercury – comfortable in its own (Egyptian) terms in the 10th house – highlighting favourable communication regarding ‘secret knowledge’ (which astrology undoubtedly is) in terms of career (10th house). In horary, the Moon in sextile to Mercury is ‘good for business’ as well as ‘for entering into contracts and agreements’. Because the Moon will perfect this aspect within a very short period of time (seconds of arc), I could expect the first positive communications regarding my new practice shortly. Very good.
  • The next aspect made by the Moon will be a sextile to the Sun in Sagittarius – and in a diurnal chart, this suggests ‘glory and prosper’ in wealth and power. Of note is that the Sun is in the 9th house which governs wisdom (i.e. journeys in faith bring wisdom). More good stuff.
  • The next aspect made by the Moon will be a sextile to Saturn – this is ‘bad for love affairs and friendship with women’ but favourable in building and excavation (consider astrology a delving into personality foundations and building from there). Good enough.
  • The next aspect will be a trine to Jupiter – this is more good stuff – as it is considered ‘favourable for starting new ventures and dealing with influential people’.
  • The final aspect to be made by this moon before it changes signs is a sextile to Venus – considered to be good for financial affairs (as well as for other things).Brilliant.
  • This is the end of the matter.

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