Financial Astrology – might we be headed for a significant recession in 2025-2026?

Yesterday, I was lucky enough to attend an entire day of lectures by Christeen Skinner about financial astrology.

UnknownAlthough I learned many things (including that my harmonious natal connection between Jupiter and Pluto  keeps me financially afloat during tough times), my priority was to gain information to support my work-in-process novel, The Curve of Capricorn, and  its primary premise that during the period leading up to 2025, the stage becomes set for the United States to split apart at the seams (i.e. civil war).

Christeen reminds us that, at the moment, just about everything is overvalued, and that includes real estate as well as the financial markets. Unlike in 2008, however, when Pluto entered Capricorn and brought with it the Global Financial Crisis, the period from 2020 to 2025 will not so much be a period of  upheaval, but of profound re-valuation – a financial ‘reset’.

Nonetheless, it won’t be pleasant and we might expect a taste of what’s to come as early as May 2018, when Uranus enters Taurus where it has not been since 1934 (and where it will remain until 2025).

If in doubt why this might happen, consider the still outrageously high levels of national and personal debt across the globe. Although those well-advised not only will not take on any additional debt but will clear what do they carry prior to 2020, many will frivolously continue to borrow and borrow – at least until the bubble of the present fantasy-land bursts. Expect events on or about 21 December 2020 to usher in a huge dose of reality.

Then, not only does the Jupiter/Saturn cycle start in a new element (i.e. this shift occurs about every 250 years) but also Pluto and Mars (in Aries) are in an exact square. This is an explosive energy heralding in a new beginning.  Two other planetary cycles will commence at this time (1) Jupiter/Pluto (excessive optimism) and (2) Saturn/Pluto (push for contraction). Obviously, these conflict; expect confusion. Also, keep in mind that whenever Pluto is involved, we can expect violence, victimization, crisis, fear, and uncertainty. Think racial tension, taxation melt-down, social class power struggle and global health concerns (possibly a pandemic) not to mention serious changes in weather patterns (based on solar flare activity, or rather, lack thereof) that could make certain parts of the world, including some areas of the United States, no longer habitable.

The plot thickens.

The next significant recession is astrologically expected in 2025-2026 with mid-February 2026 seeing the bottoming-out of the global financial markets. This will be an especially difficult period for the United States for many reasons, not the least of which is that in 2022, America will suffer its first Pluto return (i.e. a cosmic wake-up call and time of massive transition). The current political system is not working. This cannot and will not continue.

rough roadWhatever happens in the lead up to 2025, the proverbial shit will hit the fan when in late March of that year, Neptune moves into Aries where it has not been since 1861, the start of the American Civil War.

What does all of this mean for the rest of us?

Hang on to your hats and prepare for a rough ride but always remember that whatever goes up must come down and vice versa. So if the markets are high, then sell and if they’re at rock-bottom, it’s the perfect time to buy. Again, those well-advised might weather this upcoming turbulent period very well, indeed.

2 responses to “Financial Astrology – might we be headed for a significant recession in 2025-2026?”

  1. […] via Financial Astrology – might we be headed for a significant recession in 2025-2026? — ARCHETYPAL … […]

  2. […] avaient émis l’hypothèse d’une pandémie. Chad Woodward en janvier 2019, Debra DeLeo-Moleenar en avril 2018, et comme vu ci-dessus, André Barbault en […]

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