Ms S gets a new friend, Part II


When looking astrologically at the relationship between two people, two techniques are favoured:

  • The first is to examine the synastry between the individuals’ two natal charts. This identifies the essential energies in play between them as well as showcasing what has most likely brought them together in the first place.
  • Whilst synastry examines the impact one person has the other, the second technique – a composite chart – uses the individual natal charts to create a whole new third chart. This represents the relationship as a whole and provides insight into the dynamics upon which it, as a relationship, functions.

By comparing the two techniques, we often find repeating themes which of are of special interest because they will have a significant, longer-term impact on the relationship.


Kindness & Empathy

For Ms S and her new friend, Mr T, the Moon/Neptune theme is highlighted in both synastry and the composite chart. This is likely to impart an overriding degree of kindness and empathy between the pair, which can be quite lovely.

  • This natural, instinctual bond runs deep and will not easily be broken. Both parties will likely feel that they ‘know’ each other ‘well’ and because of the placement of the contact (by conjunction) in the composite third house, this comfortable rapport is likely to play out in their interpersonal communication.
  • However comfortable the Moon/Neptune contacts may feel, it is in itself is not an indication of romance. Indeed although this contact is one of the classic signatures of a ‘soul mate’ relationship, it is just as often found in purely platonic relationships as it is in those of a sexual nature.
  • Potential problems with such a tight and deep bond like Moon/Neptune include the propensity to lose a vital sense of personal boundaries.
  • Should this happen, it could leave both parties feeling emotionally drained. Another potential problem is that whilst one person endlessly gives (in this case, most likely it would be Ms S), the other person (Mr T) might endlessly take. If this dynamic remains unchecked as the relationship progresses, it could well prompt Ms S (the Moon person) to become increasingly more possessive – demanding more and more attention. In response, this could well prompt Mr T (the Neptune person) to ‘quietly slip away’ and become increasingly ‘emotionally unavailable’.
  • Both Ms S and Mr T need to be always mindful not to slip into a ‘redeemer/victim’ pattern of relating which is common with the Moon/Neptune dynamic. Should this occur and continue unchecked, both parties may begin to unconsciously ‘undermine’ the confidence of the other in order to keep hold of their tight bond.

Openness & Warmth

Another theme repeated in both the synastry and composite chart is that of Sun/Jupiter. This is likely to result in a feeling of natural harmony between Ms S and Mr T, marked by a sense of openness and warmth.

  • In the composite chart, the Sun/Jupiter contact (by conjunction) falls in the 7th house, which is the place of partnerships and marriages.
  • This suggests that should Ms S and Mr T form an alliance akin to a partnership, both will ‘shine brighter’ and enjoy significant personal growth as the result.
  • With the 7th house, however, we must also always remember that it is the not just the place for partnerships but also for ‘open enemies’ – i.e. if you’re not ‘with me’ then you’re ‘against’ me.

Power Plays / Domination

In the composite chart, Pluto is directly opposite the Sun/Jupiter (conjunction). This suggests that if Ms S and Mr T are not careful, their relationship could very well become an open battle ground.

Along the same lines, the composite chart has Mars close to the Midheaven (MC) and in square aspect to both the Ascendant/Descendant axis and composite Venus.  This again highlights the possibility of the relationship ultimately becoming a battleground – as ‘domination’ and ego-fueled ‘power plays’ become the order of the day.

Sexual Attraction / Open Hostility

Although as noted earlier, the Moon/Neptune contact is often found in purely platonic relationships,  in this case, a close Venus/Mars (synastry) contact suggests a sexual attraction between Ms S and Mr T. Beware. Without careful attention, this erotic energy may find itself ‘rechannelled’ into arguments – over even the most petty things – as both parties engage in the power plays, as noted above, and well know how to ‘push each other’s buttons’.


Finally, this pair also enjoys a mutual Venus/Sun synastry contact (by trine and square) suggesting a natural harmony promoting a significant degree of mutual acceptance and tolerance.

  • This contact, however pleasant, also brings with it the danger of taking each other for granted and subsequent loss of that all important ‘spark’ of interest that brought them together in the first place.
  • It’s more than possible that Ms S will begin to feel that she’s being taken advantage of by Mr T and that he does not appreciated or value her as much as she does him.
  • If this occurs, then the more she goes out of her way to please him, the more complacent he may become.
  • Some balance  in ‘give and take’ needs to be negotiated else the relationship risks the possibility of Ms S holding a ‘grudge’ regarding the ‘unfairness’ of it all – and this could well ultimately drive a wedge between them.

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