Making Money through your Part of Fortune – Part II – Case Study for Madonna

part of fortunePractice makes perfect and so yet another analysis of the Part of Fortune – this time for Madonna:

In summary, to make lots of money you want:

  • One of the rulers (sign or term) of the Part of Fortune strong in the chart (by rulership or exaltation).
  • One of rulers in an angular house (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th) preferably conjunct the angle).
  • The primary ruler (strongest of the rulers) also making tight aspect to an angular Part of Fortune.
  • Another the rulers also making an aspect to the Part of Fortune.


  1. Madonna’s Part of Fortune is 25 Virgo 41 = ASC – Sun + Moon by Day.I013319.QG_Eddhd7AVhWUvAU6kiDw.c2atw.250
  2. Mercury rules 25 Virgo 41 by sign and Mars rules it by term.
  3. Mercury and Mars are the rulers of Madonna’s Part of Fortune.
  4. In Madonna’s chart, Mercury is in rulership in Virgo and on the ASC (and hence in the 1st house which is angular) BINGO – tick points one and two in the make lots of money summary above.
  5. Mercury does not make an aspect to Madonna’s Part of Fortune. Oh, well, too bad. No tick for for point three in the make lots of money summary.
  6. However Mercury is closely plugged into all the angles (ASC and MC) – and it is functioning extremely strongly (and effectively because it’s in rulership) in Madonna’s life. Good.
  7. In Madonna’s chart, Mars is at 15 Taurus 23 and cadent in the 11th This is not particuarly good nor is it particularly bad.
  8. However Mars does make a wide trine to the Point of Fortune. So a partial tick to point four in the make lots of money summary above.
  9. As this is a diurnal chart (Madonna was born just after sunrise), we look to the Sun for more information.
  10. The Sun is in the 12th house (cadent – not so good) at 23 Leo 07 in rulership – The dispositor of the Sun is also the Sun (this is always the case when a planet is in rulership). DOUBLE BINGO – another tick to point one in the make lots of money summary above.
  11. The Sun does not make an apsect to the Part of Fortune. You can’t have it all.
  12. Can Madonna make pots of money? You bet.
  13. Is this accomplished through her profession or vocation?
  14. Let’s see:
  15. Mercury is the ruler of her (Gemini) MC.
  16. So tick one for Mercury.
  17. The Moon (11 Virgo 30 and also ruled by Mercury and in the 1st house – angular and conjunct the ASC – good, good) is applying next to Mars.
  18. So tick one for Mars.
  19. No planet is ‘at the bendings’ (i.e. square the nodal axis at 24 Libra/Aries).
  20. Mercury is in greatest dignity (by sign and term) and it forms part of the Sun’s rather good doryphory (Mercury, Moon, Jupiter, and Venus).
  21. Hence Mercury rules Madonna’s profession.
  22. According to Bonatti, Mercury in its own terms suggests ‘the person will have rank and share in secret knowledge’. He further goes on to suggest that if Mercury is also in rulership, ‘they will be very honest and sober’.
  23. Traditionally Mercury is associated with merchants (buying & selling). In more modern astrology, Mercury is associated with communication of all sorts – and because Pluto (OK – that’s cheating using a modern planet – forgive me?) is closely conjuct Madonna’s Mercury, whatever she communicates will resound deeply and powerfully in the collective. This is further amplified by Mercury’s close sextile to Neptune, planet associated with performers and dreams.
  24. In summary –  Mercury, the dispostior of her Part of Fortune as well as her profession, is in rulership by sign and term. Mercury is angular and conjunct an angle (the ASC). Mercury is plugged tightly into all the angles (ASC and MC). Mercury is also the ruler of the MC which suggests she is known for her fortune and ability to communicate. Madonna would have been even more successful if Mercury (or Mars or the Sun) had closely aspected her Part of Fortune (however Mars does make a wide 10 degree trine so it does help in part).

One response to “Making Money through your Part of Fortune – Part II – Case Study for Madonna”

  1. Hah! Wonderful that it works! (Not that I understood all…but think I got the general themes).



    Sent from my iPhone


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