Happy Birthday Virgo

For those born under the sign of Virgo, find inspiration in the ancient Greek goddess, Demeter.

The negative aspect of the mother is mothering, anxious nursing and tutelage of the object when the latter never needed it or no longer needs it, lack of confidence in the latter’s strength and independence, and interference with its development.

Toni Wolff

For Demeter, a true mother is an attitude, an instinctive way of caring for all thing is vulnerable and young. Demeter is so caught up with mothering that she finds no time for herself. Indeed, it may be that although Demeter could make time for that which concerns other goddesses , she doesn’t want to do. She’s completely fulfilled by being a mother and that, she figures, is the end of that.

Carl Jung suggests this is why Demeter is so distraught when her daughter, Persephone, is taken from her side. For him, ‘every mother contains her daughter within herself and every daughter her mother.’ As infants, our initial bond with mother sets the tone for all our future relationships. This is especially true for mothers and daughters because we are born from the same body as our own. 

Like Persephone, daughters must someday separate from their mothers least they fail to be individuals in their own right. As we learn from the story of Demeter and Persephone, part of this process must involve anger; this is archetypal, not personal, so accept it for what it is.

In her anger at the one who is known for his dark clouds, the son of Kronos,

She shunned the company of gods and lofty Olympus. 

She went away, visiting the cities of humans, with all their fertile landholdings,

Shading over her appearance, for a long time.

Homeric Hymn

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