UK Tory Leadership Challenge

Some believe it’s smooth sailing for Boris Johnson in the 2019 Tory leadership challenge. But based upon his current Solar Return (SR) (2019/2020), I suggest that even if he should prevail, he will neither prove effective nor enjoy a comfortable ride.

This SR chart has no angular planets (i.e. planets conjunct the ‘cross of matter’). This suggests that during this period (birthday to birthday), Boris will not be able to make a significant impact in the world at large. 

The only planet making a tight Ptolemaic aspect to the angles (in this case the Ascendant/Descendant axis), is the Moon which suggests that Boris might be prone to ‘wearing his heart on his sleeve’. According to Ebertin, this combination does impact one’s personal relationship with others, but more likely than not, in a disingenuous (and disharmonious) way. . 

Trying to be all things to all people never wins the day

Boris Solar Return 2019/20

The most remarkable thing in this chart is its stellium of planets/energy in Capricorn in the 10th house – Moon, Pluto, Saturn, and the South Node. This is a very public place– and so may well suggest taking on the role of party leader but again, it’s not likely to go well for Boris.

According to Ebertin, the combination of Moon/Saturn/Nodal axis suggests isolation, and inhibitions in organisations and association. Feelings of loneliness and standing alone in life are indicated. Add Pluto to the mix and there’s a necessity to rely only on oneself.

Tied in with this stellium by opposition is Mars/Mercury in Cancer. This might add the ability to think and act strategically so as to further one’s plans. Equally, it might suggest rashness and the tendency to exaggerate not to mention quarrelling and fault-finding. Ebertin even suggests this combination can result in using the ideas of others for one’s own benefit.

A Tiger does not easily change his stripes

What you have seen in the past with Boris, is very likely what you’ll see in the future. It is also worth noting that in his natal chart, Boris not only has a high dose of Gemini but no Capricorn. His Saturn, natural ruler of Capricorn, is in Pisces where it does not do Capricorn things like accomplished leadership well.  

This suggests that the Capricorn energies reflected by that stellium in the SR return chart for 2019/2020 do not sit well with the basic temperament of Boris.  To succeed with Capricorn energy requires persistence, hard work and concentration, anathema to any Gemini.

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