Today is a Prince of Wands Day – please, think before you take that leap…

With the Sun in Aries (action) and the Moon in Aquarius (progressive ideals/ideas), it’s going to be a Prince of Wands day.

The Prince of Wands is a fiery character; his youth and daring are readily apparent. Clearly, he is embarking on a journey of great importance. See how he radiates his passion? He’s a free & original thinker – inspired by his ideas of what might – someday – be.

But upon closer examination, something about this picture doesn’t look quite right – and I suspect that this because our prince is a bit too cocky, too quick on the draw. Undeniably, original thinking is a positive asset; it frees us from the status quo. On the other hand, if untampered by the practicalities of the situation, such thinking could well doom our plans to failure. Is this prince about to trip over his own feet in his race to the finish line? I fear that he might be…

On a Prince of Wands day, it is likely that we will learn an important lesson in regards to naïve assumptions of ‘good luck’ – just because we have a good idea doesn’t mean that we will – or even ought to try to – make it happen.

c588b6504745a6c0cc8e4bf470c60795Tomorrow the Moon shifts into Pisces – and the bright, shiny plans of today just might overnight melt into disillusioned dreams.

So, don’t be like Don Quixote in Cervantes’ famous tale and tilt at silly windmills.

Instead, stand back for a moment and take the perspective of the wiser, and more quietly self-confident Queen of Wands (Moon in Leo) – and ask yourself honestly if the proposed course of action will validate your true sense of self-expression. If it won’t, then don’t do it. Save your time and energy for those courses of action that will do.

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