Star lore confirms trouble for Mr Trump as the result of the up-coming total solar eclipse

Yesterday I blogged about the effects of the upcoming solar eclipse using the Leo ingress chart set for Washington, DC. I would like to add two points based on associated star lore. Might you recall that flashy, dramatic Mercury that was too close for comfort with Mr Trump’s natal Mars? Well, the fixed stars associated with that Mercury (and Mars) not only confirm trouble but also flesh out some details:


  • Ingress Mercury is conjunct the fixed star, Alderamin – in the constellation Cepheus, The King. Because of this, the ingress Mercury is infused with Alderamin’s energy – which, at best, is out of step with the laws of nature. Bottom line – Alderamin is a destructive influence – a negative statement about the impact made when male sovereignty teams up with aggression.
  • Ingress Mercury is also conjunct the fixed star, Alpheratz, Alpherarzwhich is both the navel of Pegasus and head of Andromeda. According to star lore, Alpheratz is not at home in Andromeda. Instead, it sits more comfortably in the constellation of Pegasus, where it is associated with freedom and speed – i.e. the sheer joy of feeling the wind in your hair. When linked with the planet Mercury, Apheratz imparts free- thinking, novel ideas, and headstrong stubbornness. This fits nicely with what’s already been said about Mercury and the grand fire trine with Uranus and Saturn – i.e. think unique, ground-breaking, and earth-shattering. But it also adds the notion of rashly pushing forward without due consideration – a behaviour unfortunately oft associated with Mr Trump.



The eclipse chart itself involves two significant fixed stars – both of which confirm that the energy released with the eclipse will have a negative impact on Trump and America:

  • The eclipse point (23 Leo 55) is conjunct the fixed star Regulus, one of the four Royal Stars of Persia, and heart of the lion in the constellation Leo. Regulus is linked to King Feridun, who, according to Persian mythology, was a great and good king. Hence Regulus imparts success but only to those who avoid taking revenge. If under the influence of Regulus, one gives in to temptations of retribution and reprisal, he/she will fall from grace and all that which he/she has gained will be lost. Keeping in mind that (a) Trump’s natal Mars (26 Leo 47) and Ascendant (29 Leo 58) are energised by the eclipse and (b) Trump is, by and large, prone to taking revenge, then might we not expect the proverbial Humpy Dumpty to have a great fall (off the wall)? I won’t say that I’m hopeful, but I will say that because Regulus is involved it would only serve him right. For what it’s worth, I’m still putting my money on some frenzied, ego-driven ‘communication’ causing oodles of trouble not just for Trump but for Americans in general.hydra_figure_st_sbkiqd
  • The eclipse point is also conjunct the fixed star, Alphard, the brightest star in the constellation Hydra. When considering the impact that this ‘difficult star’ might make, keep in mind that Trump’s natal Mars and Ascendant are also linked with Alphard. Symbolism associated with this star include death by poisoning, hatred of women, perpetrators of violent crimes, and untamed, and emotional outbursts. The good news is that Alphard has associations with religious fervour which, given all its negative potential, might be a good way to use it. The bad news is that because religious passion is generally not Trump’s thing, we can expect Alphard to contribute mightily to the overall unpleasantness of the situation.

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