The Curious Case of Ms C (continued) & Her Fiery Mars

VenusLeoThings are heating up between Ms C and the certain Mr A (the subject of the prior post) and from what I’ve heard, she probably thinks that she’s winning in regards to her ‘man-eater’ role.

Let’s see what several predictive astrological techniques (birth time unknown, noon chart used) have to say:

Summary – If Ms C is to achieve her objectives during 2016-17, she needs to keep a cool head –learn to negotiate nicely, compromise, suggest win-win strategies. But this is going to be difficult, not the least because at the moment, she’s more prone that usual to be ‘hot-heated’ in order to express her ego desires. Ms C is being called upon to act responsibly during this period and if she’s unable to do so, she’s likely to find herself displaced and lonely; changes in job, home, and/or emotional relationships are indicated.



Firdaria is a classical technique rather like the Dash periods in Hindu astrology. It assigns periods of our lives to various planets in keeping with the Chaldean order of the planets.

Ms CMs C is currently in her Saturn/Mars Firdaria and in her natal chart, her Saturn (28 Gemini 12) is in reasonably good shape – in its own terms, and not damaged. According to the Liber Hermetis, ‘this person is conscious of hidden matters or secrets’ and ‘will work toward their own success, be self-motivated, and be happy.’

So far, so good.

All this success and self-motivation is funneled through her Mars at 16 Aries which, in its sign of ruler ship, is amazingly strong. According to the Liber Hermetis, she not only will she be ‘skilled’ and ‘daring’, but she will ‘complete quickly’ what she undertakes. But because her Mars is in the terms of Mercury, she will be ‘hot-headed’ and her ‘reason is clouded’.

  • SATURN : 2013
    • Saturn/Jupiter – February 10, 2015
    • Saturn/Mars – September 6, 2016
    • Saturn/Sun – April 3, 2018
    • Saturn/Venus – October 29, 2019
    • Saturn/Mercury – May 25, 2021
    • Saturn/Moon – December 20, 2022



Solar Return (2016-17)


The SR (Solar Return) Sun is the most important planet in the SR chart and shows where Ms C will expend most of her energy during the upcoming year. With SR Sun in a tight square aspect to Mars, Ms C will not only need to balance self-centered ego drives with the needs of others, but also deal with much conflict and anger. If she’s able to do this, she might achieve the objectives as suggested by her Saturn/Mars Firdaria. If she’s not, however, she might find herself squashed between a rock and a hard C solar return

Her SR Sun is also in tight square aspect to SR Uranus, the planet of ‘all change’. This suggests that while she desires significant change in her life, most likely she won’t get it – or at least not in the way that she wants it. With such an aspect, issues involving freedom vs. restriction are common.


The SR Moon indicates the emotional focus of Ms C for the upcoming year, and with SR Moon conjunct SR Saturn, suggests significant emotional strain most likely in regards to those restrictions. Ms C is being called upon to act responsibly during this time but this may not always be easy not the least because she may be feeling very lonely, unable to rely on the help of others.

Her SR Moon is also square SR Uranus and this suggests (domestic) disruption. At the very least she can expect a significant break in her daily routine and habits and at worst, a period of separation, if not a complete break, from those with whom she shares strong emotional bonds.

With her SR Moon also square the current Jupiter/Neptune opposition, she might expect to face blockage in the realization of her fondest hopes and dreams – and indeed it is quite possible this will so greatly her emotional balance, that she will need to reassess her approach.


Because Ms C’s SR Venus is conjunct SR Mercury, she has an excellent opportunity to develop and/or perfect excellent negotiation skills – to develop a soft and winning style not only to express her needs but also getting what she wants. If she can learn the fine art of compromise, she can create win/win situations and this would go far to achieving her goals (SR Venus trine SR Saturn).

3 responses to “The Curious Case of Ms C (continued) & Her Fiery Mars”

  1. Reblogged this on Lost Dudeist Astrology.

  2. […] – Ms A is not pleased with Mr A. He has been seeing Ms C on the side for several years. As we’ve seen from earlier posts, Ms C has a fiery temper, […]

  3. […] of serious health issues during most of that time, Mr A carried on seeing his lover, Ms C – (see The Curious Case of Ms C for some more details). In doing so, Mr A risked everything – his job, his house, his family – […]

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